UNEP is executing the Green Climate Fund (GCF) funded project entitled “Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Process in Mongolia” .The objective of the NAP project is to strengthen the institutional and technical capacity of Mongolia’s government at both the national and local levels to advance the process to formulate and enhance the long-term implementation of NAP as aligned with the policy and program.
The Government of Mongolia, Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) has been implementing a three-year project entitled “Building Capacity to Advance National Adaptation Plan Process in Mongolia”. The UN Environment Programme is the Delivery Partner for the project, with the role of supporting and overseeing the project implementation. The NAP project will support multi-sectoral, medium- to long-term adaptation planning and budgeting in Mongolia and promote the integration of climate change adaptation aspects into development policies.
Mongolia has accessed support under the GCF readiness and preparatory support, and activities are focusing on Establishing and strengthening the National Designated Authority (NDAs) or Focal Point. The project is expected to achieve the following outcomes:
#305, 306, 3th floor, Building of the Center for Freshwater Resources and Nature Conservation, 9th Street, 11th Khoroo, Khan-Uul District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia